Highlights: Nov. 15, 2017
- MERC Farm Tap Project: Intention is to replace farm tap lines that are customer owned with utility owned lines that are locatable and regulated. At least 10 public hearings are planned so that there is ample opportunity for public input. MERC has received approval for scoping and design of porposed project and if regulatory approvals are received, plans to begin construction in 2019.
- CSR Appreciation Day recap
- User's Group 2017: Post-event thoughts and discussion
- Delayed Responses to Tickets: Industry practice vs. legal compliance
- Safety Initiatives in the locate and excavation industries: Locator Rodeo, MnOps Safety Conference, and a new GSOC safety award program
- GSOC branded vehicle: Proposal for GSOC vinyl wrapped vehicle to be used for travel to DP meetings, awareness and training events in lieu of employees traveling in their personal vehicles.
- COO Report: Increased efforts on public awareness and outreach, web submission of emergency tickets, upcoming initiatives and goals for 2018
- PR Review: Performance recap of 2017 initiatives
- OCC Report: Call center numbers and goal progress, and ongoing projects