
News + Events

Registration is Open for the 2025 811 5K Run/Walk

Registration is now open for the 2025 811 5K Run/Walk, which will take place on Saturday, August 9, 2025, at Bde Maka Ska’s Thomas Beach in Minneapolis. In addition to being a fantastic opportunity for utility professionals and their families to connect and cheer each other on, this annual event also allows community members outside of the industry to connect with facility operators and sponsors to learn more about what safe digging really means. Click here to register now, or keep reading to learn more about the 811 5K Walk/Run.

About the 811 5K Run/Walk
The 811 5K Run/Walk celebrates “811 Day,” a day typically observed on or near August 11 (8/11) that brings attention to damage prevention and being mindful of underground utilities. 8-1-1 is a national phone number used to submit locate requests prior to doing any digging – whether installing a new mailbox or excavating at a job site – to abide by Minnesota state law and have your excavation site marked for underground utilities. You can also submit locate requests online at GopherStateOneCall.org. Whichever way you choose, it’s a free and easy step that helps keep our communities safe.

Everyone is Invited to Join
Strollers are welcome at this family-friendly event, along with furry family members. Years past have included participants aged 10 to over 70 years old. Children 10 and under are encouraged to join the Kids’ Race, a free, short-distance sprint that takes place immediately after the main race.

Supporting a Great Cause
All of the proceeds of the event, including the $18.11* registration fee, go to Twin Cities Firefighters Operation Warm – an organization that provides children in need with new, warm winter coats.

Ready to join in on the fun? Click here to register for the 2025 811 5K Run/Walk.

811 5k logo

*The registration cost is $18.11 before taxes and fees.

NEW: Free Dig Safe Training and Certification Course

Gopher State One Call and Underground Safety Academy are excited to announce the launch of a new Dig Safe Training and Certification course! Free for damage prevention professionals, the online course covers both the GSOC handbook and MN State Statue 216D – also known as the “Minnesota One Call Law” – in an engaging and interactive platform that allows users to go at their own pace and work around their existing schedule.

Click here to enroll now or bookmark the link for later.

GSOC Online Training Screenshot 2

Example Still from a Course Training Video

Join Us at the 2025 MNCGA Upper Midwest Locate Rodeo

The annual MNCGA Upper Midwest Utility Locate Rodeo is back! The 2025 competition will take place at Xcel Energy in Hugo starting on April 1 and going through the April 3, as needed. Prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place finishers, and those three winners will have the opportunity to compete at the International Locate Rodeo on December 11–12 in Springfield, Missouri.

When: April 1–3, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Xcel Energy at 13620 Fenway Blvd N, Hugo, MN 55038

Register: via Eventbrite

Rules & Eligibility
This competition is open to anyone who has located in the Upper Midwest, which includes: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. If you are or have been a practicing technician employed by a utility company or one of their locate contractors, are an owner or employee of a private locating company, or use electronic equipment to locate underground facilities as part of your job duties, you are eligible to compete in the MNCGA Upper Midwest Utility Locate Rodeo free of charge.

A brief overview of the rules and equipment will be sent to all registered participants prior to the competition. Each participant will be assigned a 1-hour time block to compete to help manage your day. Each competitor will have 12 minutes to complete the locate.

Click here to register for free via Eventbrite.

Email Steve.Olinger@CenterPointEnergy.com to inquire about sponsoring. A full list of sponsors will be identified during the event.

2025 GSOC Holiday Schedule

When submitting a locate request with Gopher State One Call, those digging need to consider the 48-hour waiting period that excludes the day of submission, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays in their planning. Whether you submit a ticket online or by calling the GSOC center, the 48-hour period will begin at 12:01 a.m. the business day after the request is made. Being aware of GSOC’s hours of operation – which shift seasonally – and the center’s observed holidays can help ensure your project starts on time. You can see a list of both the hours of operation and observed holidays below.

Emergency calls are exempt from business hours and are always accepted.

While the 48-hour waiting period for a routine locate request begins at 12:01 a.m. the business day after the request is made, you can submit a ticket online at any time. If you prefer to plan ahead, you can submit your locate request up to 14 calendar days before the start date and time of the excavation. 

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