
The MN State Statute 216D One Call Law is getting Updated, changes effective Aug. 1, 2024

This link goes to the laws as they are currently listed on the State of Minnesota Website. To see specific language that has changed, select "More info..." in the yellow banner.


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WHITE MARKINGS: GSOC would like to remind you to mark the excavation area in white prior to submitting the locate request. White markings are required by law and increase the efficiency of locators by clearly showing where they need to locate.

Online Dashboards

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across the state in a convenient interactive format.

Professional Excavators

Professional Excavators

Professional Excavators

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Facility Operators

Facility Operators

Facility Operators

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Highlights:  Nov. 13, 2019

  • CenturyLink Announcement: Chris Fry repeated announcement of change in contract locator vendor to USIC.
  • Board Engagement: Thanks you's to all of the board members who participated in the State Fair, Day of the Dozers, and the OCC Users Group.
  • COO Report: Ticket volume is up  4.7% this year. On track to be the second highest annual ticket volume in GSOC history. Centurylink stats - tickets still a little down, but generally improving. Discussion of City of Wadena underground propane tanks from the 1950's. New MNCGA website. Updaet on the new UX/UI. Adding snow removal tickets to the agenda for GSOC Users' Group. Reviewing buffer sizes and possible reduction during upcoming year. Review and clean up of inactive notification areas.
  • OCC Report: Notification center update - numbers continue to be up from last year. Meet tickets are slightly down as a result of lack of faith in facility operator attendance. Homeowner ITIC usage now at 30%. ITIC review times are up this year, but significant effort is being made to improve quality through callbacks and education. Analysis of tickets to identify potential for direct release. Pilot Projects: ITIC nxt, End of Year communication, and top caller projects along with review of almost all new online submitted tickets resulting in little to no ticket related questions in the field. Extended Start times feature still in progress. 
  • MnOps Report: Though the damage rate per 1000 seems to continue to trend down there is a concern about the lack of data due to non-mandatory reporting. A number of legislative proposals that have been submitted by MnOps were discussed and will be on the agenda for the mid November and mid Danuary Stakeholder meetings. 
  • Augmented Reality using GIS data: Brian Collison discusses the Argis Lens and how it can help verify and improve map data. GSOC is encouraging facility operator stakeholders to consider experimenting with the Argis Lens as a pilot Project with GSOC. 
  • Outreach and PR Support: Planning for a larger presence at 2020 home and garden show and summer oportunities with the Twins and St. Paul Saints. Explanation of the new "Learn from the Unexpected" video campaign and the return of locator and excavator awards at DP meetings.