Highlights: Jan. 8, 2020
- Chair’s Report: Dave Hunstad welcomed the Board and the guests, particularly, new State Fire Marshall and Director of Office of Pipeline Safety, Jim Smith.
- Legislative Report: The 2019 session ended without a bonding bill being voted upon even though a $500 million proposal had been agreed to in principle by legislative leadership.
- Request for National Board Engagement: GSOC requests continuing national engagement by it’s Board members and that the National CGA Conference will take place this year in late March.
- April Board Meeting: A determination was made that the closed session would take place on Monday afternoon with open session Tuesday morning April 14 prior to the MnOPS Safety Conference opening plenary session.
- MnOPS Safety Conference: Jon Wolfgram noted this year’s conference will be more damage prevention oriented.
- Chief Operations Officer Report: Barb Cederberg advised the Board that 2019 ticket volume was 849,097. This is the second highest ticket count in the history of GSOC. There were approximately 100,000 update tickets including in this volume.
- Summary of Election of Directors and Officers and Committees The Board determined it would issue a call for applications to the Board and GSOC’s Users Group.