Highlights: November 12, 2020
- Chair’s Report: Dave Hunstad welcomed the Board and guests. He observed that the Board would probably continue to meet virtually for a while despite the hope a vaccine will be approved soon.
- Legislative Report: Dean Parker provided a brief legislative report. Currently, it does not appear that there will be changes in the leadership of the committees that oversee changes to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 216D.
- MnOPS Update: Jon Wolfgram indicated that MnOPS continues to perform inspections despite the pandemic. Three vacancies now exist due to retirements. MnOPS is looking for one new inspector and will create two damage prevention positions for investigations and inspections.
- OCC Report: Kimberly Boyd advised the Board that the work from home model continues to be successful with a slight increase in the number of people working at the notification center. This year, the notification center is keeping seasonal staff longer and adding some additional staff.
- PR/Awareness Report: Olivia Jensen Phillips reviewed the awareness activities for 2020 with the Board. Overall, the engagement with Star Tribune Companies for online awareness messaging has been viewed as being very successful.