Highlights: April 7, 2021
- Chair’s Report: Dave Hunstad congratulated OCC employees on promotions. Kimberly Boyd is being promoted to Customer Relationship Manager for some western states including Minnesota.
- Board Discussion: Reports from the Field. Jason Ponciano and Keith Novy noted significant contributions to ticket volumes due to cable drops and project builds as communications companies continue to build out infrastructure.
- MnOPS Update: Thomas Coffman from the Office of Pipeline Safety advised the MnOPS virtual safety conference will be on April 16 and invitation reminders will go out shortly.
- Chief Operations Officer Report: Barb Cederberg noted the GSOC Strategic Plan continues to drive activities both within and outside the notification center. In general, the call center is operating very well and early ticket volume for the first 3 months of the year is up 23%.
- OCC Report: Kimberly Boyd indicated this would be her last presentation as General Manager of the center and noted how much she has enjoyed serving as General Manager for the notification center.