Highlights: August 10, 2022
- Chair’s Report: Approval of April minutes. Thank you to Barb and Olivia for Saints Game social event and encouragement for board members to attend OCC Users' Group.
- COO Report: Overall ticket volume still down 9.3% from last year, but the last 3 months have been busier than they were in 2021. Meet ticket initiative continues. Feedback from stakeholders has been very helpful and an education program is beginning in October. Public awareness efforts continue with excavator damage prevention videos, landscaper education amd design engineer education. Next Gen interface will be retired in October. GSOC will be assisting OCC in longer term user visioning and Barb would like a small group of board members to discuss what future capabilities they would like to see the notification center provide. Development of a map sharing sytem continues with participation from several Facility Operators and is garnering some national attention. Barb has proposed to present at OCC's User Group as well as the 2023 CGA Conference.
- Automated Marketing Instructions Project: Extensive discussion on the continued development of automated marking instructions to minimize necessary callbacks and locator confusion from manually entered user instructions.
- PR/Awareness Report: Upcoming events - 811 run and MN State Fair. Continued PR efforts with Star Tribune, iHeart Radio, and All Over Media. Potential advertising with MN Vikings. Review of 2022 in-person DP meetings and blog article about Meet Initiatives.
- Board Discussion: Delayed Locates: Anecdotal evidence from both GSOC and MnOps would suggest an increase in delayed locates this year. Comments were solicited regarding board member experiences and suggestions to help reduce delays in the future.
- MNOPS Report: Damage reporting, while still only on a voluntary basis, shows a slight reduction in the rate of damages. Top violations for this year are delayed locates, no ticket, failure to pothole, and failure to maintain clearance.
- OCC Report: Phase II of the Data Analytics projects is underway. The consultant from Tableau, Philippe Barzin, explained the goals of phase two, and gave a demonstration of the pilot that is being released to 4 testers for feedback. Total tickets are down for the year, but CSRs are still performing critical functions even though most tickets are filed online. The work from home model continues and while the average speed of speed of answer and review times are higher than last year, it is due mostly to two specific days where a large number of CSRs were unexpectedly absent. An aditional 10 CSRs have been hired and is helping with response times.