Highlights: Special Meeting, Dec 14, 2022
- Mark Sellin advised the board that he had attended a recent AGC legislative meeting and anticipates submission of proposed legislation in 2023. Dean Parker advised that MnOPS also intends to resubmit it's proposed legislation in 2023. GSOC will likely remain neutrak regarding statutory changes that do not directly affect GSOC.
- Pat Warden introduced the 2023 financial projection.
- Barb Cederberg reviewed the communications budget in detail. Several changes are anticipated in the coming year including discontinuing some awareness programs, though relationships with iHeart Media, Star Tribune, and Linder Farm Network will continue. There will potentially be special awareness initiatives with KARE 11, the Minnesota Vikings, and Gopher Sports.
- The board approved the 2023 Financial Projection and delegated responsibility to the Executive Committee to finalize salary adjustments for the GSOC employees.