
The MN State Statute 216D One Call Law is getting Updated, changes effective Aug. 1, 2024

This link goes to the laws as they are currently listed on the State of Minnesota Website. To see specific language that has changed, select "More info..." in the yellow banner.


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WHITE MARKINGS: GSOC would like to remind you to mark the excavation area in white prior to submitting the locate request. White markings are required by law and increase the efficiency of locators by clearly showing where they need to locate.

Online Dashboards

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Highlights: Jan 11, 2023

  • Chairs Report: Nov. 9th, 2022 and Dec. 14, 2022 meeting minutes approved. Proposal for government relations services from the legislative firm Lockridge Grinal Naun P.L.L.P approved.
  • COO Report: Review of GSOC core values as listed in the Strategic Plan. Review of overall ticket volume for 2022 which was down 7.2%. Continuing major projects include video education for the meet ticket initiative and possible meet ticket calendar for the metro area, design engineer education, and the web analytics project. Details in full minutes. Barb has met with a small group of board members, MnOps, and GSOC representatives to establish directions for technology development. The UUMPT Mapping Improvement Project has gained significant industry interest and is working on next steps for a more widely usable platform.
  • PR/Awareness Report: 29 DP meetings are scheduled around the state in march and April. GSOC will also be making use of an outside marketing consultant to conduct a marketing audit and generate new ideas.
  • MnOps Update: Q3 numbers are up and Q4 will be up as soon all reports have been recieved. Very slight decrease in damage rate per thousand locates recieved by MnOps in 2022. MnOps is looking to host a pipeline safety conference in mid-April and developing a survey for stakeholders about current industry issues.
  • OCC Report: Public awareness messaging is being revised to emphasize "Click or Call." Improvements to generated marking instructions continues. Online ticket percentage remains strong at 83.9% even though the annual ticket volume decreased for the year. The next phase of the data analytics project allows companies to customize and analyze their specific data and has 8 companies participating. Over 10,700 map updates were made in 2022. More discussion of automated marking instructions concluded that until the wording of the instructions is vetted, approved, and consistent, they will not be used in Minnesota. 
  • Board Elction Summary: See full minutes for officer and committee appointments.
  • Board Election Summary