
News + Events

Celebrate NSDM this April!

April is an important month in the damage prevention industry. Since 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate has recognized April as National Safe Digging Month (NSDM), which makes 2017 the 10th anniversary of this significant acknowledgment.

Throughout April, Gopher State One Call (GSOC), the Minnesota Regional Common Ground Alliance (MNCGA), and the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS) will be participating in damage prevention meetings offered around the state to emphasize the need to practice safe digging, which includes a “call or click” to GSOC. These educational opportunities are available at no cost for all stakeholders in the underground utility industry.

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MNOPS 2017 Stakeholder Review Meetings


MS216D Stakeholder Review meetings will be held throughout 2017 to allow stakeholders in the Minnesota underground utility community to come together and provide feedback on the state’s current one call laws. The Minnesota Of ce of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS) holds these meetings to initiate discussions about stakeholder desired changes to the law during the 2018 legislative session. Gopher State One Call (GSOC) encourages all stakeholders to participate in these meetings to provide valuable input towards the continued effort to keep our underground infrastructure safe.

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2016 GSOC Annual Report

Click here to download the PDF.

A note from our COO:

Dear Minnesota Underground Safety Stockholders,

It is hard to believe that we have turned the corner and moved into another new year. 2017 brings opportunities for Damage Prevention meetings, trainings, seminars, events, locate requests, locate requests, and more locate requests. For 2016, GSOC ended with a total of 787,593 tickets, a 2.9% increase over 2015. The bumpy beginning in 2016, due to the transition to a new call center and a new electronic ticket system, settled down thanks to the assistance of many MNCGA members. GSOC supported underground safety public awareness and training by participating in over 35 Damage Prevention meetings, training over 2,500 individuals on the new electronic ticket system at the end of 2015 and into 2016, and participating in numerous events. GSOC public awareness efforts included trade shows such as the Northern Green Expo, the Minneapolis Home and Garden Show, Farm Fest, MN State Fair, Big Iron Farm Show, MN 811 Run/Walk, and Day of the Dozers. GSOC also launched a state wide digital media public awareness campaign.

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Celebrating 10 years of 811

In 2007, the Common Ground Alliance (CGA), a member-driven association that promotes the safety of underground facilities, spearheaded the 811 National Awareness Campaign. 2017 marks the 10th anniversary of this important achievement for the underground damage prevention industry!

When 811 became the universal three-digit dial code for America’s one call centers, it set the stage for the creation of safe digging efforts that could be easily recognized by professional excavators and homeowners across the country. To assist stakeholders with the planning of 811 events and media material, the CGA created an online toolkit with approved logos, press release templates, and other materials.

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2017 MN Damage Prevention Meetings

Every year, the Minnesota Common Ground Alliance (MNCGA), the Minnesota Office of Pipeline Safety (MNOPS), and Gopher State One Call (GSOC) work with local utility coordinating committees to host free damage prevention meetings throughout March and April. These educational meetings review safe digging practices designed to protect our state’s underground infrastructure. They provide important reminders for the excavating public before the spring digging season begins.

During the meetings, each of the three sponsors focus on different areas. The MNCGA encourages industry stakeholders to join their organization to help raise damage prevention awareness, while GSOC covers any processing changes, updates, and common mistakes or errors made on locate tickets. MNOPS elaborates on case studies, frequent complications found in the eld, and excavation rules and regulations in Minnesota.

In 2017, there will be 32 meetings held throughout the state. To see dates and locations select the read more link below.

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