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You probably know that Gopher State One Call (GSOC) sends copies of tickets to both excavators and facility operators. Did you know that tickets sent by email contain a powerful tool called MapLINK that provides advanced features to both excavators and facility operators at no additional charge? Read on to learn more!

When an excavator uses ITIC to file a locate request, GSOC will send the excavator a record copy via email that includes a specialized MapLINK to their information. This link provides excavators immediate online access to all their tickets, including a map of the excavation site and utility notification list. Excavators can use MapLINK to easily verify the accuracy of submitted tickets and access other advanced features.

New maplink screenshot

Please note that “HERE” refers to the MapLink.

Clicking the MapLINK connects users to Excavator Ticket Management (ETM), an online ticket archive. Through ETM, users can click the Ticket List button to view and filter a list of tickets they have filed and view utility status responses, file a request to refresh locate marks, or add attachments. ETM is a handy tool to use to request a remark or cancel a ticket without logging into ITIC or calling GSOC. Users can also check the marking status of the ticket in the Members Notified section, leave comments for later reference, or add excavator statuses. With the interactive map, users can view the ticket’s original mapping in multiple map views (Call Center, Satellite, or Google perspectives) to ensure that the proposed excavation area is correct.

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Facility Operators who receive tickets by email can also take advantage of MapLINK to access Locator Ticket Management (LTM) features. By clicking MapLINK, a Facility Operator can view a map depicting the excavation area in the context of their notification area database and determine how to respond. LTM can easily become an Operator’s primary interface for updating statuses, assigning locators, or adding notes.

Remember that every excavation project, large or small, requires a “click or call” to GSOC. Stay safe by contacting GSOC at least 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, before breaking ground. Whether you are an excavator or facility operator, clicking on the MapLINK will aid with the overall notification and locating process!

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