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GSOC attends 2019 Users Group in Portland

GSOC attends 2019 Users Group in Portland

One Call Concepts, Inc., the service provider for Gopher State One Call, held its annual Users’ Group meeting in Portland, Oregon from Sept. 24-26. The primary goal of the Users’ Group meeting is to provide a networking and information sharing platform, as well as to give the notification centers that OCC serves with the latest industry knowledge, law changes, training and marketing best practices. The event was held at the historic Nines hotel.

Attendees comprise of OCC representatives and board members from client states. Safety-minded professionals value this opportunity to discuss upcoming damage prevention endeavors and to collaborate with other one call notification centers.

Participants came to the meeting from Oregon, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, Hawaii, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Maryland.

Presenters led discussions on a variety of informative topics, including:

  • State of the Company
  • Augmented Reality and Damage Prevention
  • Mobile App Updates
  • Utility Bootcamp
  • OCC Product Update
  • Legislative Roundtable
  • A ForeSite Performance Update
  • Next Generation Utility Bootcamp
  • A NULCA Update
  • Marketing Efforts
  • Introducing the Utility Defenders
  • Creative Team Highlights
  • Hazards in the Northwest
  • 811 On the Road Update
  • Human Performance Improvement
  • New York 811 Learning Management System

Key speakers included Professor Doug Toomey (University of Oregon), Roger Sampson (NY811), Jeremy Gall (Avista), Brian Collison (Argis), Shane Bush (BuschCo HPI), Lindsay Sanders (NEI) and Ron Peterson (NULCA).

The 2019 User’s Group provided a forum to connect and collaborate on the mutual goal of safe excavation. GSOC was pleased to attend another successful meeting and we look forward to many more events in the future.

The 2020 Users’ Group meeting will be held in Washington, D.C.

GSOC attends 2019 Users Group in Portland

GSOC attends 2019 Users Group in Portland

GSOC attends 2019 Users Group in Portland

GSOC attends 2019 Users Group in Portland

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