



Gopher State One Call’s internet ticketing system (ITIC) allows the user to map their entire work site using a visually driven, fully interactive interface. Users can create routes with custom widths, circles with varying radii, and select parcels based on parcel data. If none of these tools fit the work site, users may draw a freehand polygon. When the user finishes mapping their work site(s), ITIC® splits the work site(s) up into as many tickets as necessary, based on GSOC’s established rules. Remember, not everything gets marked by Gopher State One Call. Click here to see what does not get marked. To register or log in to ITIC, please select which type of user you are:

Industry Professionals


Mobile Users


    Private underground facilities, such as private utility lines and private distribution networks, do not get marked by facility operators. When a property owner or tenant has any type of private underground facility, they are responsible to locate those facilities or hire someone to locate them. For more examples of private facilities please consult the Gopher State One Call handbook.

    What does not get marked

    Locate Request (normal): The most common type of ticket, use this for standard excavation projects.

    Emergency Locate: Emergency locates are used for “a condition that poses a clear and immediate danger of life or health, or a significant loss of property. *GSOC does not determine whether an emergency condition exists. If a ticket is submitted to GSOC as an emergency we have no choice but to process it as such.

    Meet Request: Use this ticket type to request the facility operator to physically meet at the excavation site.


    Non-Excavation Ticket: Use this type of ticket to request facility markings onsite or a map of underground facilities during the design phase.

    Design/Pre-Con Meet: Use this type of ticket to meet with facility operators during all design and preconstruction phases of a project.

    Boundary Survey: If you are a registered land surveyor, use this type of ticket to request facility markings.

    Owner Inquiry: Use this request to obtain a list of facility operators in an area when you do not intend to excavate. No ticket is issued.
    **Please Note** Any requests for an Owner Inquiry can only be completed by contacting the GSOC call center and speaking with a Help Desk Representative or by e-mailing the request to customersupport@gopherstateonecall.org. Owner Inquiries cannot be completed online through the ITIC system.


    Correction: Request a correction to an existing ticket if you need to correct minor information such as field contact name or phone number. Corrections cannot be used for changes to the street address for the work site and/or marking instructions. The ticket number will not be changed.

    Cancellation: Submit a cancellation request for an existing ticket if you no longer plan on performing the excavation or need the ticket. If you have provided your email address, you will receive a copy of the cancelled ticket. It will have the same ticket number as the original ticket and will be labelled Cancellation.

    Update: Submit an update to an existing ticket if you want to..

    1. Make changes to an existing ticket that include changes to the street address of the work site and/or marking instructions.

    2. Extend the life of the ticket past 14 days. You must notify GSOC 48 hours (excluding day of call/submission, weekends and holidays) before the expiration date and time on the current ticket. You may request new markings or state that no new markings are needed. This update ticket will be labelled Update.

    3. Request to refresh the marks in the field. If the markings are not visible, or you have reason to believe the markings are incorrect, you must notify GSOC at least 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) before any type of excavation can begin. This ticket will be labelled update.


    Not yet responded: Facility operator has not yet responded to the ticket. Please note that the facility operator has not given clearance to excavate if you see this response on ticket.

    Clear/No Conflict: If this is reflected on the ticket, the underground facility operator has indicated that the area identified on the ticket (but not any other areas) is clear of underground facilities.

    Marked: This indicates that the area is marked in the field. Please confirm that marks are in fact in the field and if missing, do not excavate until the discrepancy is resolved.

    Marking will be delayed: This response is used by underground facility operators when an unexpected situation has been experienced that will not allow the underground facility operator to mark prior to legal start date. If the situation has not been resolved prior to the legal start date do not start excavating. Contact the facility operator and determine why the facility has not been cleared or marked. Until the situation has been resolved with the underground facility operator an unsafe condition may exist in the field. Please note that GSOC cannot resolve an issue between an underground facility operator and an excavator regarding marking or positive response.

    Not Complete/In Progress: This response is used when the locator has begun the process of locating underground facilities but that process is not yet complete. It may be used on an interim basis to indicate that some markings are in place but others will be added later. This response means that the locator has not completed work and excavation should not begin.

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Whether you call or click to request a locate ticket, GSOC will need specific information relating to your dig so that your ticket can be processed correctly. Please review the questions you will need to answer before contacting GSOC in our Locate Request Guide. If you fail to have the complete information before you contact GSOC your request may be suspended until you obtain complete information. For a complete view of the GSOC process from start to finish, take a look at our Dig Safe Guide.